Now more than ever, the rise of the divine feminine is present. Each month, we will celebrate the presence of a goddess from all faiths. This month, we’re kicking things off by honoring the beautiful Lakshmi, a powerful and beloved goddess of harmony.
Who is Lakshmi?
Lakshmi is a goddess from Hinduism who rules prosperity, wealth, fertility, and fortune, both physically and spiritually. Her love is fierce, maternal, and caring. Many businesses and homes are adorned with her image and name, looking to attract the energy of abundance. However, those who wish to receive her gifts must have true intentions and not those of greed. She is said to grant these blessings to you if you work hard, are brave, and good-hearted. She is the wife of Vishnu, who is the protector of the universe.
What is Her History?
They say Lakshmi was created when it was realized that one cannot live a balanced and happy life by only nourishing the mind with the Goddess Saraswati. Goddess Lakshmi was born to help people nourish their body as well. These two powerful goddesses create a harmonic balance to life. She is known to be independent. When Lakshmi was reborn onto the Earth, she emerged from the ocean, adorned in red silk with gold accents and sitting atop a lotus flower.
What Are Her Symbols?
The lotus is one of her symbols, standing for illumination and resilience. Her red and gold satin is symbolic of prosperity. She also is pictured frequently with elephants, which are reminder of the wisdom behind true wealth — sharing your abundance and to not getting caught up in the image wealth gives you. Her four hands are representative of the goals of human life, dharma, kama, artha, and moksha — righteousness and duty, desire, wealth, and liberation. Two hands are connected to work on the earthly duties, and the other two are spiritual, again bringing in the balance of the two. Her golden coins are a symbol of wealth.
How is She Celebrated?
The best day to honor Lakshmi is on a Friday. Offerings of food and sweets are typically found during puja, in homes and in temples, along with songs of praise and love. She also loves a clean home and is more likely to visit a clean home first! Chanting the mantra, “Om Hrim Sri Lakshmi Bhyo Namaha” brings blessings of opportunities in your life and home. She is especially celebrated on Diwali, the religious celebration of auspiciousness, which takes place this year on October 19th. People leave flowers and chant for her on this day.
This month, reflect on Lakshmi in all of her divinity. Let her spirit and energy guide you to opportunity and abundance and celebrate her teachings by becoming aware of your spiritual and earthly goals. She, like any mother, will always take care of you, especially if you clean your room!
How are you going to welcome in Lakshmi this month? Let us know using #ALEXANDANI on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Written by Ani Ferlise